Monday, January 13, 2014

Hob Knob Job Search: Time is On My Side

I didn't do anything Friday. Well, nothing in the job search-o-sphere. I did build some shelves for Beth & Keith in their basement. It was nice to do something where I had to get a bit dirty. It was also nice to have something tangible at the end of the day.
That feeling is totally unlike job searching. Even though I complete an application, I feel like I should be doing "something" more. Even though most of that "something" might be total crap and you end up on Buzzfeed.

I spoke with Beth and Keith over pizza on Friday about my frustrations. Beth told me that, "It's still early." It's true. I tend to forget to breathe sometimes. It's barely been a month since I've finished school. Some of my friends are traveling and doing stuff they have wanted to do.

 I'm a person who goes full force into projects when I am passionate about them. And I'm passionate about finding a job.  I like to do things right away, and for lack of a better term "gett'er done." I consider myself a dependable person who can get stuff done. 

However, I am also impatient. I don't like waiting for the bus or the T. I will just go and walk somewhere if I have to wait. It's not a recipe for success 100% of the time.

During my first class of Improv 201, my instructor talked about the importance of letting a scene develop. You need to find the energy, the emotion, the relationship between the characters. You can't just go into an improv scene thinking everything is set up how it should be. Things can literally change in an instant when one character introduces something else like a prop, an emotion, a relationship.

So I told myself that I won't begin officially freaking out until February 1st. I need to remember to exercise, take care of my social needs, and read those books and see those places I've been meaning to see. 

Time is on my side.

Accomplishments for 1/10:
- Build a set of awesome shelves

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