Thursday, August 18, 2016

228. Friends (Part 1)

I read somewhere that you only get about a dozen friends in life. I think that is true. You probably will have lots of family members that will help you throughout life, but they don’t have much of a choice. You can’t pick your family. I’ve always found it fascinating that friends actually choose to hang out with you. They are people you connect with and a bond develops out of circumstance.

I have some great friends. I’m really lucky in that regard. There was someone who said something like, “If you want to judge the character of a man, take a look at his friends.” I believe that is absolutely true.

The idea of friendship fascinates me and it’s something I value a lot. So here are a few tributes to some close friends whom I like (and love.) The catch is that I’m not going to name any of them.

-You are a friend I got to know a little bit later in life. It’s fun how we met in a place that was different than a place where we could have met. I’m glad you appreciate my texts, calls, tweets, and other random forms of communication. It’s good to have someone who keeps you grounded, but also can commiserate and appreciate the good and bad things in life. Here’s to many more years of good beers and SACCAH.

-A friend I met in college. Not one of my “group” friends, but someone I’ve grown to appreciate and value post-college. The best part of our friendship is that we always have things to talk about whether it’s sports, politics, life, or any of the other good things in life. It’s good to have those friends who you can just sit down with and enjoy a cold beverage.

-Probably the friend I underrated the most in college. You’re a solid all-around person who I didn’t appreciate enough in college. You’ve always been friendly, willing to chat about things big and small, and a good person to turn to in times good and bad. I’m glad we’ve grown tighter in our college years.

-I couldn’t imagine summers without this person. Goofy, driven, and principled are all words that I would use to describe you. I wish you lived closer, but I’m glad I’ve been able to share some great moments with you. Here’s to hoping we live closer in the near future.

- You’re really my moral compass in most things. I’m glad you’re the friend who has things figured out among our friend group. (I mean everyone does really, but I like that we all can turn to you.) I appreciate our in depth conversations about tough topics. You need those sorts of friends in life.

- I’m glad we had a nice bond in a place that wasn’t college. I’m glad I could always depend on you for a stiff drink and good conversation. You’re a driven person who appreciates the finer things in life. That’s a very underrated quality. I wish we lived closer, but I’m glad our paths still cross every so often.

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